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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Here I Am. Again.

Things were pretty ugly on Facebook leading up to the 2016 election. Revelations about Facebook algorythms, data mismanagement, and the explosion of misinformation led me to leave that social media platform. Fast-forward to 2022 and the muskification of Twitter and I've left that platform too.

What's an author (on a lengthy hiatus, but an author nonetheless) to do? Publishers and agents insist on a social media presence. As I've described in a previous post, in the world of publishing today, the cart of "fame" (or at least notortiety) has to come first, before the horse of actually producing something worthy of said fame. But I digress...

It's been a long and complicated past few years. I'll get to that in another post. In the meantime, this--my blog--and my website are it for social media. I can cull through the news, dig deeper than the ill-researched posts and sound-bites found elsewhere. I can synthesize and evaluate legitimate news and parse out the noise from the fact. You know...apply critical thinking, that sorely rare bit of intellectual capacity that humans have been granted, but mostly turned their backs on.

And while pondering that, I came across another member of my tribe. Michael Krivich, author of Perceptions, Observations, & Musings of an Old Man. Look over his blog. It's worth a few minutes of your day. Tear yourself away from the inanity dominating the world of information, and read some thoughtful, insightful commentary on the world we live in.

A few of my favorites:

Stop Taking the Bait and Falling for False Dillemma Fallacies

Why I Am Afraid to Tell You Who I Am. You Might Not Like It, And It's All I Have

What Does Make America Great, Again--Mean Exactly? 

Stop Pretending Your Racism Is Patriotic

Has WWIII Begun? Time to Reactivate Your Critical Thinking Skills

And so many more excellent pieces. Have a read. 

Oh, and this, too. Because...he's not wrong.

Then, check in here periodically. Hopefully, I'll be more regular in my posts as I get back into a routine that includes writing so I can finish the final book in the Chupacabra Trilogy and the long-awaited "Rattling of Bones."